Time Out

This is a housekeeping message for blog readers. Normally, as you know, blogs appear from me frequently, sometimes daily, but on average maybe one every other day or so.

Many posts relate directly to series of mine or bodies of work that are on the site. Well, if you go to the Gallery you'll see I haven't added any new work to the site since the Chartreuse Rocks series from Iceland shot last summer. This is far too long. So the blog will take a short vacation while I work to bring the Gallery up to date.

What's missing? Some Iceland work printed but not seen, the results of a road trip I took last fall along the tnorthen edges of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine, some new work from Martha's Vineyard, aerial work along Route 2 in Massachusetts called Route 2 Trilogy, several portfolios from my month in California this past winter , including Tafoni, Skate Park, Sacramento River Vallery aerials, and a portfolio titled Before and After Aerials, and some new work from Fitchburg, MA. 

So, please stay tuned. Check the site for the new additions and I will bring the blog back soon. I promise.

Topics: Commentary

Permalink | Posted April 19, 2014